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The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Ijeoma Oluo: Behind the Book

Spend a Boring Day With Me

Beyond the book: I dunno, let's try this!

Hey friends. I thought I would pretend like I’m some sort of vlogger and make a little video about my day spent….doing absolutely nothing interesting on a Sunday. Why? I don’t know. I stopped asking myself why I do what I do a long time ago. It’s really for my therapist to figure out.

But I thought that maybe this would be a little interesting, and if so, a little perk for my paid subscribers. If you want to watch me clean stuff, put on makeup, and read… well then, you’re welcome!

If for some reason y’all like these, I will likely make more and they might get more interesting! I can’t guarantee that though. The world is exciting enough as it is, I try not to add to it.

Well, now that I’ve built up all of this excitement, might as well click play…

This post is for paid subscribers

Ijeoma Oluo: Behind the Book
Ijeoma Oluo: Behind the Book
Writing, life, and writing life
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