It’s interesting. My husband has ADHD. I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I am recognizing so much in myself the more I read and learn about ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. So for years I thought I was in a relationship as the non-ADHDer and now it’s more like, we both have neurodivergence going on and it presents in wildly different wa…
It’s interesting. My husband has ADHD. I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I am recognizing so much in myself the more I read and learn about ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. So for years I thought I was in a relationship as the non-ADHDer and now it’s more like, we both have neurodivergence going on and it presents in wildly different ways for each of us. So reading this piece, it feels like ¾ of it applies to my husband and I can learn something about being a better partner to him, but also like ¼-½ applies to me too. So I guess I’m saying we both need to read this.
It’s interesting. My husband has ADHD. I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I am recognizing so much in myself the more I read and learn about ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. So for years I thought I was in a relationship as the non-ADHDer and now it’s more like, we both have neurodivergence going on and it presents in wildly different ways for each of us. So reading this piece, it feels like ¾ of it applies to my husband and I can learn something about being a better partner to him, but also like ¼-½ applies to me too. So I guess I’m saying we both need to read this.