This is so good. I am so glad you ended with cultivating joy. It’s so easy to fall into despair and that’s how they control us. When they steal our joy, and dampen our spirits, they win. This is a fight and we won’t give up. ❤️

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OMG, this is AWESOME!!!! I have been alternating feeling furious and hopeless, BC it seemed no one was getting where we are, but you NAILED IT! A very sick, destructive paradigm is dying, and the oppressors and those who benefit from it are coming toting themselves to stay in power. They are in the minority. There are more of us, WE THE PEOPLE, and this person DISSENTS, with both middle fingers raised high. #RESIST #REVOLUTION

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I’m currently in the beginning of brainstorming a community skills map… 👀 It’s a Google spreadsheet at the moment but ideally will become a paper map that we can offer everyone in town!

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" . . . they know those days are numbered . . ." I really appreciated this. If the vote wasn't important, then there wouldn't be such force restricting it. If months-long protests about Gaza are meaningless, then we wouldn't need violence to curtail them. End-stage, indeed.

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Thank you so much for this! The deluge of terrible news is overwhelming. I find myself despondent and unmoored. This is the lifeline I needed. I gotta get it together.

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Yes, and WE will get it together *together* :)

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This is excellent. Miigwech, thank you!

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Yes. Yes. Yes. To every single one of these words. Deep bow and big hug for this NEEDED kick in the pants call to action. We can not only survive - but THRIVE when we are grounded in these practices. 🌿❤️🙏

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Thank you so much for this. I had such a bad anxiety attack the other day after the Supreme Court ruling…this article has really grounded me and I’ll be returning to it often I think.

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Whew! Thanks!

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