I’m so proud of you and grateful to be in community with you. I appreciate the kind and generous person you are and I’m so sorry for all that you’ve had to deal with.

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I’m sorry this is happening to you, and also PROUD of you and all of us. To accept that one has no control over someone else’s ill intent, but only over how you live your own values, that is a tough one. In me, it drives a desire to be understood. (If they only understood that I am not deserving of this ill intent, if only I could do something to make them understand….) That is one of the hardest lessons (for me), anyway. It is so exhausting to strive for others’ understanding. Letting go of that… wow, that is so damn hard. You choose to share yourself with others in need of that same understanding. I believe in you!

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Thank you so so much for your encouragement. I needed to hear that I didn't have to just push through it and I should actually take care of myself. You are amazingggg

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Thank you for this, and for all you do <3

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I wish you didn’t have to go through this! But thank you for sharing what you’re learning and for the reminders of how to care for ourselves and each other during challenging times.

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Wow! That was beautiful. Lack of control is a way hard lesson. How you are feeling kind of encapsulates some of where I am. I'm waiting to talk to my counselor on Monday. It is a shitty time & it is really hard on me too & I'm having hard time getting through it. I resolve to use my tools to help me until then, and ongoing. Thank you for sharing, it helped me. I'm proud of you & you helped me to be proud of me. Thank you. <3

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This year has been rough for me, and for a lot of folks in my community. It gives me strength and solace when you share what you are going through, because it reminds me that people I admire and have learned so much from are also dealing with being human with all the messiness that comes with that. I am proud of us too. Thank you.

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What beautiful encouragement. Thank you!

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Love this. Love you. And so grateful for your work.

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I love you so much! that's it. Just LOVE

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Thank you for creating a space for self appreciation and for doing the work and for sharing your learning 🫶

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Thank you for sharing this into community.

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