Thank you for this.

I've been struggling with the idea that I "should" be better at managing my anxiety after years of therapy and all the training in meditation and CBT and having been stable for a long time...but as you say, this is not a linear process and the new Unsafe Things are nothing I had to deal with in my early twenties: A pandemic, weeks of smoke from forest fires, multiple genocides, rising fascism.

My own therapist reminded me to pay attention to all the ways I am actually managing well in this time of unprecedented events. These are those pockets. Those moments of being able to check-in and regulate, of noticing when my heart isn't encased in concrete, or being able to offer myself gentleness when it is.

And then there is knowing that so many people I'd admire, people who have given me many gifts for processing and being present in this world at this time, like you, understand the struggle. Understand the emotional toll and the ways anxiety can sideswipe us.

So thank you again.

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I always appreciate your bravery for sharing with everyone! Sometimes I wish I would just plateau and be "fine", no further work needed! But the only constant is change - and being aware and acknowledging that as more awareness and skills are acquired, is part of moving forward. Just think of where you (or I and others) would be if we never made the choice to do the internal work and keep on a path of self care and healing.

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Yes to all of this! Thank you for the vulnerable share. Learning how to regulate our traumatized and tired nervous systems should be taught in all schools (in my opinion). I learned recently that we cannot effectively think about/talk about/work on healing our trauma unless we are embodying a regulated and calm nervous system.

So much harmful and out dated talk therapy wants to hurl people head first into talking about trauma without really putting in the work and hours/months of repetition — learning how to calm and sooth ourselves.

I have been playing a game lately to see how many times a day I can “catch” myself in a perceived fear response and notice/interrupt it with a simple shaking, rocking, breathing, movement exercise. ❤️

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Thank you for this acknowledgment and reminder. I had an attack mid day yesterday and was so frustrated because I know the “things that are supposed to work” and it just wasn’t working.

I appreciate that there are other people out here in the world willing to talk about this.

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This is a message I really needed to hear these past few weeks! I feel this so deeply right now. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Thank you for this <3

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💯 I’ve come to realize that there likely won’t ever be a “healed” state for me. It’s a continual process of adjusting to new stressors and finding new ways to feel safe and calm. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

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