Here for a tour of the “room of one’s own” whenever you’re ready!

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Happy birthday! What a blessing to share time on Earth with you. Thank you for your new literary gift to the world. And cheers to your loving family, friend meet ups, new office & teeth & haircut, fancy nails & makeup, unshaven legs, and all the things in between that make your days sparkle. Viva Ijeoma!

And Free Palestine!🇵🇸

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You wrote: "Are you a cis man? How can a woman say that she likes you as a human being without you thinking that she wants to sleep with you? Help us out in the comments!"

Here I am, such as I am, cis man, married 35 years, who would like more friends (of any gender-identity, etc.). I own my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, but that means everyone else owns their stuff too. Fear not how others may respond to your efforts to connect with the rest of humanity, one person at a time. If I think someone who talks to me is doing so with some motivation other than exploring a new connection, that's on me. I need to stay open to the possibility for deep and meaningful relationships with every initial encounter with another person, while having no concrete expectations for how that will look moving forward. Part of my difficulty is always the assumptions I make about others based on how people look, speak, and behave, but that's all we really have to go on, right? So, I've got to very intentionally open myself to connecting with everyone, no matter what, so that I can connect with anyone. Hopefully, the other person and I will begin to figure out each other and feel clearly about whether moving forward from acquaintance to friendship is mutually desirable and possible. My partner, who is at once very different than I am, yet holds very similar values as I do, has taught me so much about how to "just be with" people. We're called to be at table with people with whom we may deeply disagree, as we turn our swords into plowshares. About learning and making mistakes, whether in relationships or any other aspect of life, I've heard it said: "good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement!" I personally learn much more from my missteps and sins than I do from my successes and virtues and I think that's what the quote emphasizes. Keep living, keep connecting, come what may. I truly hope my perspective is helpful. Blessings and peace as we approach 2024...JR.

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Happy belated birthday. This was a pleasure to read, and of course I'd love a tour of your new office. Keep doing what you're doing, you're amazing.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 🇵🇸🍉🇵🇸

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Balancing opposite feelings is my lesson from 2023 - like feeling personal joy but also despair at the plight of the world. Sounds like you have been experiencing lots of positives and progress while also being very involved and aware of the crap that needs to be addressed and changed. It's a lot, and I always appreciate your writing and sharing. Happy Birthday!

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I'm grateful for people like you in the world, and am sending lots of joy and peace and fulfillment to you and yours! Happy belated birthday! 💖

& not to dismiss the balance you model:

You do a beautiful job of acknowledging the pain and horrors of the world we're in, tying them to the systems we perpetuate, and encouraging each reader, wherever they are, to engage in an ongoing healthy way to challenge and disrupt those systems. You hold this reality while sharing lovely, joyful, meaningful moments and reflections, which you aptly remind us is the whole point! We have to look forward and create the better, just world we all need. The good keeps us going and aimed the right direction, and both heavy and light can be real/true without dishonoring the other (imo). Appreciate you!

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I'm a white cis hetero man. The majority of my platonic friends are female. Some are former lovers. Many are not. One of my best female friends of a few decades started our friendship by telling me she was interested in having a friendship but not interested in sleeping with me. I loved her frankness about it! We have been very good friends and no, we've never even so much as kissed. And that tension was never there since it was diffused at the get-go.

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Just saw there's also a book tour with signed books available at events! (scroll down: https://www.harpercollins.com/pages/revolution). I'm looking forward to reading this.

Happy birthday!! I'd like that office tour. :)

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HBD and thank you for sharing so many wonderful victories and conclusions to long journeys. Love the hair and lip stick color. Fabulous! Here for the office tour as well. Happy New Year!

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LOVE the hair 🔥🔥🔥

also, as someone who recently had a dental exam + cleaning for the first time in *mumble* years, I FEEL YOU on the teeth thing. even though I haven't suffered from lack of dental care nearly as much as you have, my #1 anxiety going into the appt was, "how much shit are they going to give me for not seeing a dentist for so long?" (followed by "how many problems are they going to find?"). I feel very lucky that the answers turned out to be "none" and "mostly none", but how many people put off care even when they *can* access it, because of the shame factor? if my teeth were in worse condition, how much longer might I have put off this necessary care? it's absurd and cruel.

anyway, enough ranting, allow me to simply wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and FUCK CAPITALISM FOREVER to you!! 🥳💕

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Happy Birthday!

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🎂Happy Birthday, Ijeoma!🎉

Have pre-ordered your book.

I'd love to grab a coffee with you, but I'm guessing Japan is a little out of your way. Hope you and your family have a healthy and prosperous 2024!

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Cute hair buzz!

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Happy Birthday!

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Happy birthday! Free Palestine 🇵🇸 and your hair / makeup combo is just 🔥 🔥 🔥

so happy for you to have some wonderful wins in life this year ❣️❣️❣️ I’m getting better at continuing activism whilst allowing joy in my own life

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Happy birthday! I’m so glad you were born. I’d love to tour your office when you’re ready to share.

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