I love you so much, and am so thankful for every step you take with your writing. You doing that work to heal yourself helps so many of us heal too 🙏🏽💜

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Thank you for the vulnerability here and feeling the heartbreak of that estrangement with you. As a fellow neuorqueer person, this sentence really hit home, " I’ve been constantly watching the world, analyzing it, trying to see the patterns and codes in hopes of being able to join in one day." Whew.

Thanks for talking about it all so vulnerably and I hope we as readers can help play a part in recreating safety in your writing space by mirroring back the soul balm your words are for us. Thank you from my heart.

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I am so very grateful for your words...they hold us together in community and yes, help us heal.

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I'm so sorry you are in such distress. I'm no longer Christian, but in their spiritual terms, what you have written sounds so much like what Catholics call the "Dark Night of the Soul," which is not depression, but a deep sense of abandonment within the soul (perhaps defined personally as your spirit, muse, inner voice, seed of grace, guardian angel, etc). Saints and mystics have written about it. John of the Cross, & Teresa of Avila in the Middle Ages. Thomas Merton more recently in the late 90s, I think (The Seven Storey Mountain: A Journey of Faith and Transformation, Exploring Vulnerability, Forgiveness, and the Quest for Spiritual Fulfillment in the Midst of a Turbulent World). A silent retreat can help, but time, and patience are part of the process. As with other long-lived faiths, solutions or pathways for many human problems have been documented in that church. I'm holding you in the Light, hoping your pain will soon be soothed.

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This reminds me of my childhood, too. Thank you for sharing it. Maybe try another art form when you get stuck on the writing. For me, it's collage. Something less verbal so it will not be interpreted or "wrong".

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Thank you, I am sorry writing and you are estranged. Your words are such a comfort to so many, they help make sense of this messy, beautiful, dumpster fire, world. I am so glad you are in this space, writing, helping, healing, challenging. I hope you and writing can find safety and security.

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Thank you for sharing such intimacies with us. I will save this post too, because it's a brilliant combination of honesty and a bit of hope.

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Thank you. Your writing is healing. As a trauma survivor, many of the feelings you relate resonate with me. I am sending so much love and care for your journey, especially through the dark scary times. I deeply appreciate your honesty, insight and sharing. Hang in there!

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