Wow. So nicely put ! It seem to me that collective rest may be achieved by worldwide job sharing. The rule is simple; hire twice as more people than needed in order to induce a labor shortage that will weaken China's economic grip. Part time workers will train better each other overtime, and become smarter. Part time workers will also waste less consume less and recycle better. Your opinion ?

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Wow. “ But the individualism that tells us that societal revolution lies in our own individual bettering alone - even if it is our emotional or spiritual bettering - is also a product of capitalism.” I had to read this several times to truly absorb it because it was exactly what I was doing, and I’d never heard anyone say it was problematic. Thanks so much for pointing out the other side of the “rest is revolutionary” theory.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

On the one hand, I agree with this in that systemic issues will never be solved by individual action alone, and. On the other, perhaps the equitable way to approach this is on the basis of tithing 10% (or whatever) of 'rest' time. That means those with the most of it at their disposal do more. For a lot of people, 10% of rest time is not going to be very much, because rest time (esp around existing care responsibilities, volunteer work) is actually scarce for most of the working class - which means ANYone trading time for dollars, regardless of how they earn it - and framing the challenge this way does sound as if they should feel guilty about having rest. Then there is the existing unpaid labour...which is already bigger than the formal economy. One has to wonder: where is all the free time and labour for collective revolution coming from?

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