"A wall so hard I'm seeing stars." Ugh I hate that feeling: Trying so hard to get the work done and then it's like your brain floats out of your body and you're like, um, I need you? I'm sitting here willing to get this done and where are you? Get back here! Just went through that. I've found I usually feel that when I'm not writing something true to me in some way. Something in me is saying, nope not like this noo. It can take some space and thought to figure out why. Sometimes the resistance is trying to say something important and has to be listened to, or else more stars! Glad you felt out a new level of writing that feels more natural to you right now.

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Thanks for sharing your vulnerabilities and helping us to see our own!

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Thanks so much for sharing! This is very helpful

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I find that, when I am "inspired" to give advice to someone it is really advice I should be following myself!!!

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Beautiful. I love how you figured out what you needed to do. I love how things shift and change.

The pause can be so powerful.

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Thanks for sharing your struggle! Appreciate you keeping it real.

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Your post was so refreshing. Thank you. I like what you said about allowing ourselves to write in a new way. Times have changed and we can't apply the same formula. What helps for me are writing groups. They bring about community and accountability. The fact that you are writing every day is movement in the right direction.

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I read your news in lieu of writing a grant proposal, so I feel this 100%

I deeply appreciate you and what you share with us, your readers and supporters.

Thank you for all of it.

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Love this and appreciate you so much for writing it. I have loved your writing in the past and continue to love it now.

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I loved this! I think questions about form are so interesting, mostly because it feels while there are only a few "accepted" forms culturally for storytelling, that is not the truth of the matter, is it? I'm excited to see and read the work in the form that is being born :)

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All the best to you as you navigate this.

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